The fact sheets posted on the NWTRB website have been developed solely to provide information on, and increase understanding of, technical issues related to the management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste.  Unless explicitly stated, the factsheets do not present Board findings, conclusions, or recommendations and none should be inferred from the content or issuance of the fact sheets.  The Board's findings, conclusions, and recommendations are included in its reports and correspondence to Congress and the Secretary of Energy.  Fact sheets may be updated, as necessary, to clarify technical issues or reflect new information.

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Radiation Source Term - October 2011

Information on the "radiation source term", which sets the boundary condition for assessing the containment capability of the undisturbed geology in a repository system.  Knowing the source term accurately is crucial for properly assessing the performance of a repository and the potential radiation dose to the public.