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NWTRB Mission

The mission of the U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board is to perform unbiased and ongoing technical and scientific peer review of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) nuclear waste management activities.  The Board makes an essential contribution to increasing confidence in the scientific process and to informing, from a technical and scientific perspective, decisions on nuclear waste management. The Board provides objective technical information to Congress, the Administration, DOE, government and non-government organizations, and the public on a wide-range of issues related to spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste management and disposition.

NWTRB mission

NWTRB Enabling Legislation - Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act (NWPAA) of 1987

The Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act (1987) [Public Law 100-203-December 22, 1987, Part E] directs the Board to evaluate the technical and scientific validity of activities undertaken by the Department of Energy related to implementing the NWPAA.

Public Law 100-203-December 22, 1987